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Spirit and Its Action 《精神及其行為》


​作者 Author : 汪倩,馬域

出版 Publisher : Per.Platform

設計 Design : Young and toxic

攝影 Photography : 濠


香港現場藝術平台Per.Platform 、汪倩和馬域合作出版《精神及其行為》行為描述集,內容包括兩位參加了《未知的物料》的藝術家及詩人,用詩與散文來為於二零二三年舉辦的現場藝術節 Per.Platform #4 x BASE《未知的物料》的行為作品作詮釋和回應,並且榮幸邀請了香港詩人池荒懸以文學的角度以及行為藝術家Florence Lam以行為藝術的視點,重新思考行為紀錄檔案、文學與視覺藝術、替身重演和事件樂譜之間的關係。

《精神及其行為》是一個不介意如銜尾蛇般,不斷生成不斷拾遺的嘗試,嘗試放下過往慣用的,照片或訪問模式,去記錄行為藝術。透過汪倩及馬域對《未知的物料》行為作品和行為現場的書寫,看看藉着現場行為產生出來的 「afterlife」 (來世)會否有別的可能,亦希望藉此讓更多人認識行為藝術。

In contrast to the immediacy of performance art, how can written words, which are qualitatively different, respond? What kind of chemistry will they create through interaction?


Hong Kong-based live art platform Per.Platform, in collaboration with Wong Sin and Ma Wik, jointly publish the "Spirit and Its Actions”, a collection of performance descriptions. The content includes interpretations and responses by the two artist-poets who participated in Per.Platform #4 x BASE “The Unknown Material” live art festival held in 2023. It is an honour to invite Hong Kong poet Keith Liu to provide a literary commentary, and performance artist Florence Lam to offer a viewpoint from performance art, as they rethink the relationship between performance documentation, literature and visual art, reenactment, and event scores.

"Spirit and Its Actions” is an attempt that does not hesitate to continuously generate and pick up the remnants, like an Ouroboros biting its tail. It seeks to let go of the conventional modes of documenting performance art, such as photographs or interviews. Through Wong Sin and Ma Wik’s writings on the performance pieces and live scenes of “The Unknown Material,” we aim to explore whether there are other possibilities in the "afterlife" generated by live performances. We also hope to introduce performance art to a wider audience through this endeavour.


WongSin © 2025

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